Best in Horror

Oops, I see my last post at the end of October promised that I would review my favorite horror movies in my next post. Likely in time for Halloween, was my thought process. Well, that ship has sailed, but I’ll still discuss a few of my favorites here. In no particular order, horror movies I recommend:

Scream (1996) – The horror movie that defined a new genre in horror movies – the knowing wink and nod to horror movie tropes and stereotypes. This movie is both funny and smart, all while creating a genuine “slasher” atmosphere. The ending is great and some of the lines are absolutely hysterical.

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) Cheesy, dramatic, but I loved this movie. It has a ton of A-list actors, performances that I can only describe as gothic-inspired, great costumes, great music. It’s just fun.

The Ring (2002) I am somewhat superstitious and this movie scared the crap out of me. I wouldn’t even watch all parts with my eyes open, due to my superstitious side and the fact that I did figure out the ending right from the beginning. I will never re-watch this one.

Candyman (1992) Okay, I am laughing a bit at myself for putting this on here, but this movie was such fun back in the day. It’s such a time capsule – Cabrini Green in Chicago, the scary as shit tenement housing where it is set, is now luxury condos. Not a great movie, not even a super scary movie, but a fun movie about the power of urban legends.

The Lost Boys (1987) Simply the best vampire movie of all time. And another awesome time capsule. It has the two Coreys, Jami Gertz in gauze and sequins, vampire blood that sparkles, Keifer Sutherland, Dianne Wiest, 80s era latchkey kids who get into all kinds of trouble, and a general tone of apathy. And, again some majorly quotable lines: “Death by stereo!”

The Others (2001) and What Lies Beneath (2000) Enjoyable slow burn suspense movies, with strong female lead performances, rather than straight up horror.

Poltergeist (1982) The movie responsible for traumatizing an entire generation of kids under the age of 10, whose unsuspecting parents allowed it to be watched because it was RATED PG. Why, no one will ever understand. If you were a young kid in the early 80s, you probably saw this, and probably were subsequently afraid of your closet and clowns until you were at least 18.

The Descent (2006) This is one of the darkest and scariest movies I have ever seen. I knew nothing about it going in and think that is best so that is all I will say. Truly awesome.

An American Werewolf in London (1981) This movie is brilliant. It’s both funny and scary and the music is so on point it gave me chills. I need to watch this one again.

Psycho (1960) The Exorcist (1973) and The Shining (1980) I mean, nothing else really needs to be said. Brilliant and terrifying classics that help define the genre.

Get Out (2017) A modern horror classic. This is no slasher or gore filled movie but intelligent, scary, thoughtful. It is not at all what I thought it was going to be and the sheer originality is worth watching.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Terrifying psychological horror. Tense, intelligent, suspenseful. This remains one of the best movies all around, not just best horror movies.

Shaun of the Dead (2004) Comedy/horror zombie apocalypse movie with a heart. Great characters, funny lines.

Insidious (2010) At first I found this movie uncomfortable…was I watching a sad family drama or a horror movie? Then it gets good and weird and has plenty of dark and creepy moments. Insidious 2 was also fun.

I could go on and on; I watch a lot of horror movies and there are so many fun ones out there! Horror movies I do not enjoy include anything in the Saw franchise or inspired by Saw, and soulless home invasion movies (A Clockwork Orange is still the granddaddy there with some of the most disturbing scenes I wish I had never watched). For me, horror should be fun to watch. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t have some dark movies on this list. But there is always a line between dark movies that give you a deliciously creepy vibe, and dark movies that just make you sick to your stomach (and, a little of that can go a long way). That line is different for everyone – some people can’t watch ANY horror movies and many of my friends do not understand my fascination with movies or books of this kind. To each their own!

Two horror movies on my list to watch soon: Freaky and Synchronic.
Happy watching!