Review: The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon

It’s almost fall and therefore almost time for Halloween season, my favorite season of the year! So, in keeping with the spirit of the times, I plan to review some recent horror books/movies TV shows over the next month and a half. We will see how that goes! Up first: The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon.

The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon

I received this ARC from NetGalley and recently finished it. The book is set to be published on April 6th of 2021.

I am a fan of Jennifer McMahon, even though I have given only 2 stars to a few of her books that I have read. I don’t always love the plot or characters, but she is always good at setting a scene and creating a disturbing and/or spooky atmosphere.

The Drowning Kind is possibly my favorite book I have read by her. Jax, estranged from her mentally unbalanced sister, returns to their family home when her sister drowns in the pool (really a natural spring) out back. Memories from Jax’s childhood and present day occurrences are interwoven with a 100 year old narrative by Ethel, a young woman who becomes inextricably linked to the natural springs. During Ethel’s time, the spring are part of a fancy resort hotel and spa with “healing waters.” But, of course, the springs are not entirely what they seem.

So we have a small town in rural New England, an old hotel with creepy natural springs touted as a healing spa, mental instability, drowning, family ties, loyalties, curses. What’s not to love?

McMahon weaves this all together so skillfully that the the surprises at the end caught me off guard. I was so immersed in the story that I didn’t see all the hints pointing to the truth. I really enjoyed this one. Settle in get ready for a spooky ride!

If you don’t want to wait until April, try out my other favorites by this author:

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Happy (or spooky) reading!