Review: Ready Player One

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Wow. This is a fun book. Creative, original, with a disturbing view of the future where we live our lives through our avatars almost entirely in a virtual reality world. Despite the futuristic vibe, the whole book is a love letter to the 80’s and all the movies, games, video games, and music of that era. I was not familiar with the video games as much, but knew every movie. This book is a quest, with puzzles for our main character to figure out, and life lessons for him along the way. At times the programming or gamer info got pretty detailed and I really didn’t know what the author was talking about, but I just skimmed over those passages and moved along. Highly recommend for anyone who loves video games, but I don’t and I enjoyed it as well. I also recommend if if you were a child in the 80’s, or just a fan of 80’s pop culture, as you will get so many of the references. They are making this into a movie which comes out March of 2018.

Great fun!

Image result for ready player one


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