Review: Strange the Dreamer and The River at Night – Best of August 2017

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Laini Taylor is an artist. She is that rare writer who can create amazing stories and characters, but also has beautiful and haunting prose. Most writers are only really good at one or the other (or neither, yet some still have baffling success). I loved her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, and I am loving the start of her new series with Strange the Dreamer. Immersive world building, beautifully heartbreaking characters, and a fantasy of beauty, pain, love, violence, tenderness, hate. The story builds toward a devastating cliffhanger. I can’t even try to summarize it as it is pure fantasy and such an original story.  If you enjoy fantasy, just go read it. Can’t wait for the next book!

Image result for strange the dreamer

The River at Night by Erika Ferencik

Three and a half stars. I enjoyed this “Deliverance” style novel about a group of middle aged female friends (we are reminded repeatedly that they are middle aged) who embark on a white water rafting trip in nowhere, Maine. The battle the elements, nature, other terrors, and their own demons, particular to the disillusioned middle aged set. Worthwhile reading. and thought-provoking, especially to those in this same age group. Be prepared to be thankful for civilization.

Image result for the river at night