Good Omens

Image result for good omens

This is a review of Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. If you are not familiar with these men, both are prolific British authors of fantasy books, children’s books, and graphic novels. Sir Terry Pratchett passed away in 2015, and, according to Wikipedia, was the best-selling author in the UK in the 1990s. That’s saying a lot when you consider that the first three Harry Potter books were also published in the 90s. Of course, it’s also coming from Wikipedia, so….make of it what you will.

Neil Gaiman is probably most well known for his children’s book Coraline, which was made into a movie. His novel American Gods is likely his most famous adult read (and on my TBR short list), and is currently being made into a TV series on Starz, set to air in 2017.

But enough about all that; you are here for a book review!  This book has laugh out loud funny moments. It is the story of the approaching apocalypse, and how an angel and a demon (who may or may not have bungled their jobs when the world was created) who have been living comfortably on Earth (disguised as humans) try to stop it from happening. They like their world just fine as it is, and enjoy their earthly pleasures. The Antichrist is born, given to a satanic order of nuns, and a mix up in babies promptly ensues, causing the child to grow up in the wrong family. As the apocalypse draws near, no one can find him. Chaos ensues. This book is silly, satirical, and intelligent. It pokes fun at religion and humanity, and there are some truly hilarious, spot on lines.

It sounds great, you say! But not so fast…the book also has a very long cast of characters, not all of whom are really needed. Because the book follows so many people, the POV is constantly switching, and it lacks some cohesion due to having too many threads. I found myself bored at times, wanting to get back to the snappy dialogue that makes the book so entertaining. Now, this book was written in the 90s, so it is also somewhat dated, although it holds up fairly well.

It’s clear from the writing that both authors have skill, but I would say overall that it reads like an early career novel (which it was for Gaiman). It’s a bit rough around the edges. If you are a Gaiman or Pratchett fan, then read it. If you are a fan of British humor, you might also want to read it. If you like satire, give it a shot. If this sort of exchange below, between two demons, makes you laugh, then go for it:

“You are obviously highly favored.” said Hastur maliciously. “I imagine Ligur here would give his right arm for a chance like this.”

“That’s right.” said Ligur. Someone’s right arm, anyway, he thought. There were plenty of right arms around; no sense in wasting a good one.

Ah, British humor. I do love it! I’m certain you can find better novels by both authors, but this one did make me laugh. Out loud. Repeatedly. So, despite its flaws, I have to say I liked it.

Image result for good omens

Why Am I Here?

Welcome to It’s Blog, it’s Blog, it’s Better Than Bad, it’s Good! I am Bookgirl, first time blog writer, so go easy on me. I have shamelessly stolen my blog name from the creators of Ren and Stimpy, a cult classic 90’s cartoon, more for adults than kids, that brought silliness and dark humor to a whole new fantastic level. See for yourself:

It’s Blog Commercial

The best of the best Ren and Stimpy episodes are Space Madness, Rubber Nipple Salesman, and anything with Powdered Toast Man in it. You can find all of these on YouTube. Space Madness in particular makes me laugh so hard I usually end up in tears.

So is this a blog about Ren and Stimpy? A blog about the 90’s? A blog about things that are so stupid they are brilliant? None of the above. This is a blog about anything related to entertainment…books, movies, TV shows, concerts, and anything inspired by all of these mediums. Most posts will be reviews of books, which I love above all other forms of entertainment. I receive Advanced Reader Copies from NetGalley, so I will have new books as well as older ones reviewed. You’ll also see plenty reviews of TV shows, new and old; I am completely sucked into the age of Netflix and love binge watching TV series.

I am an incurable believer in the power of quoting classic movie lines, or TV show lines for that matter (“You’re not like the others. You like the same things I do!”) so you will see a lot of that here as well. Books have helped shape my views of the world, and I can’t imagine my life without them. TV, movies, and concerts have all also brought entertainment to my life. And we all love to be entertained, don’t we? I hope you will be entertained here as well, and learn about books, TV, movies, or music that may bring you that “happy happy joy joy” feeling!
